
Business Collaboration

Discover more collaboration opportunities with ZionCare!
ZionCare is building a digital health ecosystem to serve various types of corporate clients: assisting healthcare professionals in managing cases and strengthening doctor-patient relationships, offering sleep health checkups and courses for corporate employees, validating sleep aids and pharmaceutical products through scientific research, enhancing user engagement for medical device manufacturers, and helping insurance companies manage risks and expand potential customers.
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Healthcare Team

Enhancing Care Quality

For healthcare professionals, ZionCare has launched a 'Cloud Care Platform' that connects with the app. Healthcare providers can view patients' health metrics, sleep test results, questionnaires, and log data on the platform. This not only improves communication efficiency between healthcare professionals and patients but also enhances overall management effectiveness.

Corporate Employees

Enhance Work Focus

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ZionCare platform offers multi-night sleep testing for employees, with sleep experts providing follow-up report analysis and personalized improvement plans.

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Through online one-on-one themed and customized sleep expert courses, as well as appropriate themed seminars, we help employees improve their sleep quality.

Sleep Aid Products & Pharma

Strengthen Competitive Advantage

ZionCare offers medical-grade sleep data measurement tools and a monitoring platform, with partnered clinical institutions assisting in planning and executing clinical validation processes and providing reports to help your product stand out.

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Enhance User Engagement

We can integrate various wearable devices into the ZionCare platform through API/SDK, allowing users to easily sync and view their health data in the ZionCare app using the real-time data synchronization feature.

Insurance Companies

Effectively Manage Operational Risk

ZionCare provides a platform to help clients with assessments and plan adjustments, while also encouraging healthier sleep habits, thereby reducing health insurance risks and lowering long-term healthcare costs.